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Natural, organic product trends to watch in 2023

Editor’s Note: Trend observers from the Naturally Network and SPINS LLC toured Natural Products Expo East this September in Philadelphia. New products and ingredient news led them to identify eight key growth areas for 2023.

Natural Appeal

According to SPINS data, sales for calmative and mood support supplements have grown 28.7% over the 52 Weeks Ending September 4, 2022, in Conventional and Natural Enhanced channels, while sleep supplements saw 3.7% growth.

1. Sleep and Mood Aids On the Rise:

Nose, Smile, Happy, Emoticon, Gesture, Smiley, Font
Azure, Gesture, Headgear, Font, Aqua

Interest in hydration is not surprising, as we’ve seen hydration and electrolytes grow 122.9% in the vitamin, mineral and supplement subcategory. Liquid ready-to-drink options are an emerging form that has seen 291% sales growth compared to the more popular powder form, which still saw 118.5% growth.

2. Hydration for Everyone

Alcohol-free beverage options are expanding beyond standard beer alternatives and sparkling ciders in lieu of champagne. Brands like Ritual are offering ready-to-drink cocktails (mocktails), mixers, and liquors that look, smell, and taste like the real deal. Even their packaging has the same attention to design that makes zero-proof liquor look at home on the bar shelf or in hand at a party.

3. Zero Alcohol Gains Momentum:

Sports equipment, Drinkware, Line

Plant-based has been expanding beyond the burger and tofu options that consumers have known for years, but this year’s Expo East boasted an array of new options popping up throughout the store. For example, we tried classic sauces, side dishes, and entrees in international cuisines such as Indian, Mexican, and Mediterranean.

4. Plant-based in International Cuisine:

Brands have been preaching the importance of better-for-the-planet products for a while, but this year they’ve put it front and center. We saw brands whose core message and branding are about their sustainability practices—from sourcing ingredients to manufacturing process to charitable commitments. This focus on sustainability aligns with the tremendous growth we’ve seen in Certified Upcycled products, which are up 81.8%.

5. Sustainability Takes Priority:

Terrestrial plant, Leaf, Branch, Organism, Tree
Sleeve, Gesture

You could walk down any aisle in Expo and find a product with functional ingredients: coffee, candy, baby food, breads, froze desserts, plant-based proteins, and body care. Plus, there were many functional ingredients being sold as the key ingredient for snacks, such as chips and jerky derived from monk fruit or dates (which were also being packaged as their own snacks both raw and covered in chocolate).

6. Functional Ingredients in Every Aisle:

Anyone who needs their morning cup of coffee to get going will be thrilled at the variety of natural options they can choose from. We saw classic, natural coffee formulas in the form of grounds and also ready-to-drink options. But we also noticed an uptick in innovative alternatives, such as mushroom coffee blends (which have a classic taste with additional health benefits) or FigBrew’s fig coffee (for shoppers who love the coffee ritual but don’t enjoy some of the side effects).

7. Creative Coffee Options:

Coffee cup, Tableware, Drinkware, Dishware, Saucer, Tea, Teacup
Orange, Gesture, Organism

Natural candy options have been steadily growing over the years, and this year manufacturers are enhancing their product lineups with additional health benefits. For example, Yumy Candy offers plant-based gummies that are vegan, low in sugar, naturally sweetened, high in fiber, and free from major allergens.

8. Better-for-you Sweets:

Source: Naturally Network / SPINS LLC